Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Some days you feel out of sync. . .

Sick with the motion
too much commotion

like these gears. . . 
vertigo of the ears

just spinning round 
and counter~round
Definitely not idleness.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Topless Skull. Why topless?

Have topless skull ... 
Have moonroof ???
Give me your reason to have a topless skull
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image from comment section of Diesel Sweeties through this link: 

Holiday Style. Classic. Vogue has competition.

love this.
From Kelly Lynne's facebook collection

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sleep renews the soul

Intermeshing gears in motionImage via Wikipedia
When you think of basic functioning what do you need most? Treasure most?

Among the most needed is restful sleep. When your head gears are whirring they need time to cool down and let the grit settle.

Remember the peace you felt on having a morning to sleep in  and not have the brain have to hit  the accelerator as soon as your eyes opened. When the day gets bumpy and the gears are not meshing TAKE THE TIME JUST TO RECONNECT WITH THAT FEELING AND THE SENSATIONS THAT SURROUND IT.

Value yourself enough to find your music box throughout the day. Crawl into it when the daily head noise is too loud and unwind. Raw thoughts kink up the gears. Accelerators are meant to go on and OFF.

Enhanced by Zemanta

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Group Resilience

You must read this blog:

It describes a group resilience example from the book, Joker One, by Lt. Donovan Campbell. I don't want to summarize it. The article is too dramatic for me to limit the message.  All the more reason to form deep connections. We do need group resilience for survival. Got to get some buddies to cover my ____.

Campbell, D. (2009). Joker One: A Marine Platoon’s Story of Courage, Leadership, and Brotherhood. New York: Random House.
Note: the book link has a video of Lt. Campbell.