Sunday, February 27, 2011

Life is So Good when you make it Center Stage.

Life is so good when you let it. Amazing when pain or stress lessens how you feel grateful. But then the new level of pain or stress again takes center stage.

I have to keep re-focusing, not just contemplating that the pain or stress is less, but move these off-stage and refocus on the center stage where I know life is so good.

Photo by Amadscientist, [Sacramento] Music_Circus_Center_Stage.jpg,  2001 from wikipedia commons

What is center stage in your thoughts,
whatever you are anchoring onto
be aware you cast the players.
You write the script.
And most importantly you are the audience.

You can create a tragedy, Pain Defined, 
or an epic, Life is So Good.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Desperate for Spring -- Eating Flowers

Spring flowers haven't sprung.  Hungry for them.
If you are too, go to this link from Johnnys Seeds blog for a video on Edible flowers:

For what's edible and what is not see this link from What's Cooking America:

And a scolding to those dear deer who will be eating what they shouldn't....before I get to them....

"Ah You Naughty Fawn You Have Been Eating the Flowers Again." 
by Arthur Fitzwilliam Tait, Brooklyn Museum

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Christian Science Monitor Blog discusses NPR & PBS subsidies as unfair

What is your tipping point?

The State of Michigan stopped paying my disabled neighbor's monthly Medicare hospital insurance bill of $96.50.  Her only income is her monthly $700 social security disability. The entitlement program was cut.

Is the subsidy of NPR and PBS more important than than my neighbor's entitlement? The Christian Science Monitor Mises Economic Blog says no. Read the blog:

Tell me your logic if you support subsidies. I won't repeat them to my neighbor.

Social justice is my tipping point. What is your tipping point? Do NPR and PBS actively seek social justice when entitlement programs to the poor are cut? Can you advocate for social justice and accept subsidies? There are so many social areas that I am concerned about that NPR and PBS have been silent about.

Again, what is your tipping point?

Monsanto & BBC & Scientist's conflict of Interest

Well, continuing the theme of why public funding of NPR & PBS might not be in the public's best interest.

The Scientist, Jonathon Jones, did a BBC article who was pro GM seeds.
The article's link is

But he did not disclose his ties to Monsanto, Bayer and BP.

Here's an link on his conflict of interest

So not everything you find on a non-profit public funded source is free of the coroner, Monsanto.

Stop the public funding of NPR and PBS. Why not?

I know so many people that are pro NPR. Thinking why should I oppose the removal of public funding of NPR & PBS when I have alternative news / information sources that are not as big as NPR. Big media = too big to see in the corners where the truth is.

People naturally oppose change. But change is good - it offers new perspectives that have been forgotten. Priorities of NPR are anti-controversial. They won't rock big business, big politicos around the world.  I don't want to do the auto-pilot of saying 'Don't take public funding away.'

Has NPR  and PBS truly challenged big business or do they report on non-big business investigations like coroner practices in Post Mortem or the federal government's lapses in veteran care and deployment? Could they or would they challenge Monsanto? How has
GM seed been engineered  without Environmental Impact Statements.
Why are FDA staff warnings ignored and why did  the FDA chief approve GM alfalfa without rigorous science? Hint: he used to work for Monsanto. . Maybe big non-profits should not be funded? 

When is the the last time you heard Monsanto and GM seeds being mentioned on NPR and PBS?  Is cute fuzzy science the safe province of PBS and NPR? Monsanto is the silent coroner killing our environment.  They were were involved with the recumbent bovine growth hormone [rGBH] and with its removed labeling. Not reporting is as guilty as pulling a silent curtain over the wrong. 
Why hasn't the dangers of GM seeds been a prime investigation by PBS and NPR? Why not  the background links of the government officials to big business like the head of the FDA and Monsanto. Clarence Thomas and Elena Kagan worked for Monsanto. See their connections and others of the USDA and Congress to Monsanto and Dupont below.*

Hey, guess I am having my own protest of sorts. Must have caught it from the sit-in protesters of mountaintop removal mining in the Governor's office in Kentucky... 
Tunisia.   Egypt. 
Change. Fear. Money. Power. Big Business. Unwatched. Should I go stand in the corner?  Dust is what gathers in corners.  The truth is in the corners.  Or coroners.  Who is watching the coroner of the environment, Monsanto?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Eyesight - Cataracts Give a Different View

Image by Andrzej Barabasz, 12 June 2010, wikimedia commons, Rainbow CircularAB.jpg

Poet, Lisel Mueller in "Monet Refuses the Operation." sic cataract surgery

Doctor, you say there are no haloes
around the streetlights in Paris
and what I see is an aberration
caused by old age, an affliction.
I tell you it has taken me all my life
to arrive at the vision of gas lamps as angels,
to soften and blur and finally banish
the edges you regret I don't see,
to learn that the line I called the horizon
does not exist and sky and water,
so long apart, are the same state of being . . .