Sunday, March 20, 2011

March 26 Rally for MILLIONS AGAINST MONSANTO who want Genetically Modified Foods to be Labeled

According to Thomson Reuters Healthcare Survey in October 2010, 93% of people surveyed want GM foods labeled.  Click here for survey results.

Facebook site for Millions Against Monsanto rally on 3-26-11

In a hurry and want to ck just for local events organized by this facebook campaign go to:

Click here for Genetically Modified Foods Fact Sheet for the rally.

"The rally demands are:
  • 1. We have the right to know and want genetically modified foods labeled.
  • 2. We want factory farmed animal and genetically modified animal products labeled.
  • 3. We want independent, transparent, long-term studies done on the safety of GMO’s for animals, plants and humans.
  • 4. We want the organic industry protected from cross-contamination and law suits to organic farmers.
The FDA currently considers GM foods “substantially equivalent” and therefore doesn’t require labeling. There is a growing body of evidence that show:
  •  Health and environmental concerns.
  • Corporate control of world food and seed supplies, and monopolization through patents, government lobbying and corporate interest over human interest in all levels of government.
  • Monsanto is the leader in GM patents."  
A Lesson Plan on Modified Foods.   Click here:
Why aren't GMO Foods labeled? click here: click here:

Thursday, March 17, 2011

NPR. PBS...170 Million. Humanity.... 7 Billion.

NPR and PBS have an audience of 170 million. The Earth has about 7 billion people. 

Information should reflect the big picture.  Think about where you get information about the Earth and science and 7 billion people.

Nature magazine, 9-24-09, had an article, "A Safe Operating Space for Humanity" in which scientists graphically presented their big picture where news is needed.

Image from: Nature 461, 472-475 (24 September 2009) | doi:10.1038/461472a; Published online 23 September 2009. Permission to use chart registered by blog author. For info on obtaining or accessing article text please go to:

Where do you get your big picture?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Does NPR / PBS have to be perfect? Confused by the news about NPR and Schiller?

I am confused by recent news about NPR. Then I thought about people in general. People have opinions. Some are based in fact. Some have a lesser basis in fact. So what is the problem? Does NPR have to be perfect?

I do agree that Mr. Schiller is right in one major point - that many newspapers do have a pro-Israel or Zionist viewpoint. Otherwise how does 8 million dollars of US tax dollars a day go to Israel and this is not pointed out in the media when entitlement programs for the poor are cut?

I might not agree with some other things he said. But the point is does NPR have to be perfect?

Cannot people have opinions? With our instantaneous media hyper-focus no media can be perfect. While NPR is not perfect, it does make the attempt. This I must respect. Ask yourself how  commercial media compares in this attempt to be unbiased? I am so angry with commercial media telling me their opinion that they say is news that I must take a stand.

NPR does attempt to be balanced. It may not be perfect. But at least they attempt and try to be balanced. They may side-step issues that have big business support. But don't our legislators do the same thing? NPR doesn't have to be perfect. At least it exists and aspires to a higher standard. When I watch or read commercial news I wonder what standard they have when Martin Sheen gets more coverage than Libyan or Palestinian protestors.

Note to the media: I said protestors. Not rebels. Where did I learn that the media changes what they call the people in Libya or Palestine that want democracy? It was on NPR!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Maintain perspective in an opinionated world

I swim in a sea of opinions. How can I understand complex issues? I  know how to swim in water. But how do I swim in a world that is filled with opinions that would submerge a genius?  What is right?  What is wrong?  Who is influencing whom?  Where is the truth?

Opinions can be like the tides - wearing me down. I could float on top of the water and listen  and be carried by the waves. But then the tide carries me in its direction. But I know how to swim - how to think... So what do I do?

In this ocean of opinions I can swim underwater and dive to see what is below  and ahead of me. I can come up for air and take a look around. I can set a course for land. That land provides me with sources of information and opinion that give voice to my basic values.

Values are the islands in the oceans of opinions. Core values in human dignity require me to swim though oceans of opinions. Somewhere in this ocean of opinions there are islands for me to rest on between swims.

I have to trust that these islands, these sources of information that value human dignity exist. Some may be windswept expressing opinions on just one topic. Some may be an archipelago.  Some may be near a continent.  But these lands exist for me to rest on as I swim in oceans of opinions.

photo by Mila Zinkova, Sunset from Sutro Bath at Land's End in San Francisco, 10-17-09