Monday, December 5, 2011

Pray It Forward. Be Blessed with Healing as You Pray It Forward.

When you are healed that is what you do.

Photo taken by Daderot May 2006 at the Richard H. Driehaus Gallery of Stained Glass, on the Navy Pier, Chicago, Illinois, USA of \Two Angels - Tiffany Studios, c. 1910.,_c._1910.JPG
I believe in angels.

When we are  troubled... and think ourselves most overwhelmed it is then when angels carry us so softly we do not realize they are there...


My precious, precious child,
I love you and
I would never leave you.

During your times of
trial and suffering,
when you see only
one set of footprints,

It was then that I carried you.

Be blessed with healing as you Pray It Forward.


Hakuna Matata said...

Hmmm some words can be so soothing

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

soothing...and healing...whatever a person's belief...the healing will come from within...and carry us forward, spreading the others in need.

crayzys said...

Thank you Laura, for stopping by. What you say is so true... light is needed... just like the light you give to many people with your nature story photo blog.



Thanks for the encouraging words and for the beautiful Angel print.
We need more light and more encouragement that's for sure.
Blessings and happy holidays.
God bless.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.

MianTariq said...

very deep thoughts

sandy said...

Hi Jean - recently I was healed from a "deadly" case of bacterial meningitis - I learned through that even more how to pray. Pray it forward - I like that.

Nancy said...

This is a beautiful image and post, Jean. :)

leo said...

Your expression is beautiful. It reminded my childhood.