Monday, June 17, 2024

Forgiveness. Before we can forgive others, we must forgive ourselves

Forgiveness involves giving away the negative energy that is binding and haunting us. We are no longer distracted by this negative energy. The unfinished business of trauma has to be let go of. Negatives feed it. 

Before we can forgive others, we must first forgive ourselves. Self-forgiveness takes courage to comfort the friend within us--that wounded Inner Child we hide and bury deeply within. Reflecting on how we hold onto guilt helps us learn from our mistakes and take responsibility for ourselves. This self-awareness brings self-acceptance and then self-support can emerge. Self-support lets go of past distractions. 

Self-support lets us Move On to Releasing Resentment. 

When We Release these Negative Emotions We make more Positive Choices and 

Dare to take Action.

We develop a Growth Mindset.

A Mindset that is Giving, has Grace, Gratitude, and Courage.

JamesInOregon, CC BY 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Click here for Self-Forgiveness Worksheet from Positive Psychology

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